Implant overdentures options in Maryland|Lakeview dental

Implant overdentures options in Maryland, Virginia, and DC

Implant Overdentures: Fabricated by our experts, implant overdentures are preferred for optimal fit and aesthetics. The customized prosthetic denture ensures fit, improves functionality and speech. The experts ensure reliable restoration and work to restore your case with utmost care.

What is Implant Overdentures?

Many patients are concerned that their teeth will slide, slip, or fall out while they are speaking and eating. So they tend to use denture adhesives and other measures to make it work but still end up having issues. Also, sometimes it creates lisping sounds. Implant overdentures prevent the need for these products.

Fixed Implant Dentures/ All-on-4 are a popular concept in dentistry but Implant overdenture is a very popular and less expensive option for patients. The advantages of Implant overdenture include:

  • Low cost (as much as half the cost)
  • Much easier to clean and maintain. Dentures can be removed, and cleaning takes much less time and effort
  • Provides additional facial support in patients with bone loss with dentures supporting the lips.

How Does Implant Overdentures Work?

It’s a multistep treatment process

  • Dental implants are initially placed surgically in the jaw bone and left to heal for about 2-3 months. In this way, the bone grows around the implant on a cellular level. Very much like hip replacement or knee replacement. The implant is a replacement for teeth.
  • A custom set of overdentures are made to wear comfortably for you during this healing process that looks like natural teeth.
  • Three months later, the dentures are attached to the implant to secure them. This ensures that the teeth won’t slip out of place while speaking or eating.

Am I a Good Candidate for Implant Overdentures?

Please schedule a free consultation with Dr. Aakash. We will examine your bone and health condition using CBCT- advanced imaging and diagnostics and help you decide what treatment is necessary. In addition, we’ll go over the expectations of your treatment and how to prepare for it, as well as any necessary information about aftercare. This treatment requires a minimum of 5mm of bone thickness.

What is the cost?

  Lakeview Dental Others
Consultation & CT Scan Free $2,000
Upper Arch $13,000 $24,000
Lower Arch $10,000 $21,000